Welcome to ASEAN Confederation of Employers

The ASEAN Confederation of Employers (ACE) was established and represented by Employers’ Organisations in ASEAN, to optimize liaison, co-operation and representation in the fields of labour and social legislation

Post Category

Announcement / General Discussion /

Speech of the President of ACE

Reply ( 2 )

Post category : General Discussion

Post by : Admin Ecot / Administrator

Post date : 2019-12-02 15:59:50

ACE Takes Part in the Preparation for the Mutual Recognition of Skills in the ASEAN Region

From : Thailand

Reply by : Crish ff / Post Date : 2019-12-02 18:23:52
From : Afghanistan


It is with great pleasure that ECOT is taking on the Presidency and the secretariat role of ACE, and particularly for me to take over this important position as the new President of ACE.

Reply by : Jame fasd / Post Date : 2019-12-01 18:23:52
From : Guinea

IaaaIt is with great pleasure that ECOT is taking on the Presidency and the secretariat role of ACE, and particularly for me to take over this important position as the new President of ACE.

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